D-Day of Disclosure
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Soul Refiner features exclusive life-changing lessons from world renown Christian experts


Join Dr. Doug Weiss as he reveals powerful tools to restore your marriage and rebuild a life of sustained sexual integrity.


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Doing Disclosure Right, from the Start
Disclosure remains to be the “Wild West” in regard to sexual betrayal recovery. With the confusion and misleading concepts surrounding full disclosure, many marriages have experienced further damage. Dr. Weiss shows us it doesn’t have to be that way. This module will equip you to do disclosure right from the get-go. You’ll be introduced to several types of disclosures that you will need to follow; as well as how to best protect your wife and your family during this delicate process. By the end of this class, you’ll be D-Day ready.

Master the Art of Disclosure: Transform Your Marriage

  • Discover how disclosure can promote healing and trust in your relationship
  • Learn how to communicate effectively during disclosure to avoid further damage
  • Practice Day-to-Day Disclosure to encourage open dialogue and accelerate emotional maturity
  • Gain the confidence and skills needed to navigate disclosure in a healthy way
  • Become D-Day ready by role-playing a typical disclosure scenario and learning how to reestablish safety for your wife

A foundation for lasting healing

Are you struggling to find the right words to say to your partner? Do you feel like you're walking on eggshells around each other? If so, you're not alone. Disclosure is one of the most challenging aspects of rebuilding a relationship after sexual betrayal. But with the right tools and guidance, it can also be one of the most transformative. This course is designed to help you master the art of disclosure, from the initial D-Day to day-to-day disclosures and beyond. You'll learn how to communicate with empathy and compassion, build trust through vulnerability, and create a foundation for lasting healing.

For Individual or Small Group Study

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Real lives are being changed.

“Soul Refiner is a prayer request come true for our church! The entire platform encompasses support for all those of affected by the deleterious effects of sexual immorality in the church community.”
Lin Wells
Men’s Pastor, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
“I use Soul Refiner in my counseling ministry. 90% of the men that come into my office for marital issues realizes that the root of the problem is pornography... We're truly seeing marriages restored!”
Dr. Joseph Wasmond
Living Legacy International
“That freedom, I wouldn't exchange it for anything. It's what God has for me for the rest of my life.”
James Craft
Founder, Life-Unplugged

Lesson Overview

D-Day of Disclosure contains 5 episodes, each with about 30 minutes of powerful and practical teaching

D-Day of Disclosure
21 min
Most men are at a loss when it comes to disclosure, but disclosure is a crucial part of restoring your marriage. This week, you will learn about what full disclosure is and is not. You will learn how to respond to your wife with compassion and empathy, and discover how you can guard her heart even while you’re seemingly breaking it with the facts.
Day-to-Day Disclosure
24 min
By now, you have learned that disclosure is not a one-time event. There are several types of disclosures, including Day-to-Day Disclosure that keeps you in a place of living a continued exposed life. Learn how this type of disclosure encourages open dialogue between you and your wife and accelerates your emotional maturity and overall integrity.
Factual Disclosure
25 min
This is a practical but comprehensive study on how to do first-time disclosure right. Unlike “full disclosure,” factual disclosure is measurable and adheres strictly to the facts. Learn the proper guidelines to avoid the pitfalls of disclosing too little or too much; the importance of having the right support and mediator; and how to prepare for “D-Day” - first time factual disclosure.
Three Other Disclosures
25 min
Dr. Weiss will teach you three other important types of disclosure: Story Disclosure; Validating Amend Disclosure; and Family Disclosure. This is a very practical and insightful lesson that answers many questions surrounding disclosure, mainly: Who should know; what to share; how and when to tell them. This episode could greatly help you avoid further damage that may take years to repair.
D-Day Ready
24 min
Let’s get practical. In this lesson, Dr. Weiss will walk you through first-time factual disclosure by role-playing a typical disclosure scenario. Furthermore, you will learn the four common ways of confrontation and how to help reestablish safety for your wife. This lesson includes a Q&A section where real Warpath men pose their raw questions to Dr. Weiss.

100% Original.
Only on Soul Refiner.